By Abraham Ekwaru, Communication Officer

Soroti Soroti district has embarked on conducting the Annual General Meetings of the Parish Development Model -PDM, a head of the second phase disbursement.

The meetings that started last weeks in the sub counties of Asuret, Ocokican, and Katine, are meant to assess the progress of the PDM implementations.

“By law, the SACCO are supposed to conduct the annual general meetings this to evaluate the progress, and assess areas that need improvement” said Ms, Joy Chritine Apolot, the Commercial Officer Soroti.

According to Apolot the PDM Focal Point Person, before the disbursement of the second PDM revolving funds, the Annual generating meetings are meant to scrutinize the Audit reports that were recently conducted.

Recently, Soroti district, received funds of Uganda shilling 2, 754,000,00 and it is expected to receive more additional this current financial year 2024/2025. Soroti district has a total of 54 SACCOS from the 54 gazetted parishes and registered with Ministry of Trade and Cooperatives and all the PDM SACCOS have received certificates of registration.

A total of 1,045 enterprise groups formed.

Thursday, July 18, 2024