Vision & Mission

Development Plan Vision

The vision of Soroti district is to achieve a healthy, educated and self-sustaining population by the year 2030.

Development Plan Mission

To serve the Community through the coordinated delivery of services which focus on national and local priorities and contribute to the improvement in the quality of life in the district.

Development Goal

The goal of the development plan is to contribute to Poverty reduction among the population of Soroti District by improving service delivery to the population.

Development Plan Objective

This plan seeks to ensure that Soroti district utilizes her natural, human and financial resources to positively change the social and economic lives of the population and hence contribute towards poverty eradication. This is hoped to be achieved through pursuing the various sector strategies and activities by mobilizing community participation, refocusing district resources to pro-poor interventions and enlisting the participation of all partners in development in implementation of the plan. This plan will largely pursue the following overall objectives that derive from the sectoral ones: