Monitoring of Village Revolving Funds (VRF) in Tubur Sub county.
Monitoring of Village Revolving Funds (VRF) in Tubur Sub county. The exercise was conducted on Monday 12th by the district LC-5 Chairperson Simon Peter Edoru and the NUSAF District Officer Joseph Opus. Some of the groups monitored such as Orieta “B”, Tubur Central, Tubur-Tubur, Abule “A”, Abule “B”, and Ogorai. NUSAF 3 provided the implementation of Village Revolving Fund (VRF) , which provided US $10.000 to each village for reinforcement of investment of both existing/or new savings and business groups. Mr Opus noted that money groups across the district have benefited from VRF with others having a living testimony since the inception of this programme. However, Opus raised concern the recovery rate was wanting because a number of the groups were not repaying with bank accounts groups being dormant for long. Meanwhile Edoru in his speech asked the group representatives who present why they have taken long without repaying their VRF. Edoru, further challenged the groups to observe the principles and guidelines of the VRF, warning if the groups that receive the money do not repay as stipulated, it might attract actions from the district. However, the group representatives promised to comply.