By Abraham Ekwaru H.E President of the Republic Uganda is expected to grace the International Youth Day celebration slated on 12th August,2024 in Soroti district.

The District Community Development Officer (DCDO) Ms. Margrate Acaya Emuria has confirmed the development, “Soroti district has been chosen to host this year’s International Youth Day Celebration in which the H.E the president is the main celebrant”

Acaya said already the preparations towards hosting the event are in high gears with the advance team from the State house and the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, together with the district technical staff have held preparatory meeting.

“As a district we are prepared to host the International Youth Celebrations, public mobilization has already started,” said Acaya.

The tradition to celebrate the Internal youth day is in conformity with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 54/120, that designated 12th August every year as International Youth Day to be commemorated by all United Nation Members States.

This year’s International Youth Day Celebration will be marked under the them Skills Development for Enhancement of youth Opportunities. The National Celebrations shall be held in Asuret Primary Teachers Core College, in Asuret sub county.

Meanwhile Mr Francies Orisa, the District Youth Chairperson has encouraged the Youth to embrace technology and innovation as a secrete to unlock their true potentials. Linking to the theme of day, Orisa said that the Youth need to develop skills so as transform their lives of those around them.

“As a youth I want encourage us to be became innovators and problem-solvers and change markers, the communities,” said Orisa.

Thursday, July 18, 2024